BLACK FLY (2014)

BLACK FLY (2014)

Written and directed by Jason Bourque

Starring: Matthew MacCaull, Dakota Daulby, and Christie Burke

Streamed on Amazon Prime

Great transfer

Black Fly

This was an awesome little independent film that had me interested from the moment I started watching it.  The first scene takes place in a trailer park, and the main character is a teenage boy wearing a DOA shirt.  It’s obvious he’s been molested by his uncle who has been confronted and has now beat the kid silly.  This kid takes off to live with his older redneck brother, who still lives in the house that they grew up in on a remote island somewhere in Canada.  The parents of the brothers are no longer alive due to an accident, and suicide.   

At any rate things start off okay with the brothers living together along with the older brothers girlfriend.  The older brother soon becomes paranoid, unhinged, filled with jealousy and drunken rage in which much violence occurs. 

This thriller is dark and very atmospheric.  There is a cool build up with tons of growing tension that work toward the climax of the film.  After watching this movie I started to look into other films the director made over the years. This one seems to be his best work, I loved everything about it.  The battle at the end is glorious.  (NW)


Nate Wilson: NW  Devon Cahill: DC  Matt Average: MA